Why is it good for you to eat the skin of apples?

As the saying goes, "an apple a day kept the doctor away". Apple is undoubtedly one of the healthiest fruits in the world.

Why is it good for you to eat the skin of apples?

However, it is really a pity that some people will cut off the apple skin when eating apples. Many studies have pointed out that the nutritional value of apple skin is 4 to 6 times higher than the pulp.

A medium apple is about 70mm to 80mm in diameter, and The Skin is About 0.3mm to 0.5mm Thick.

Why is it good for you to eat the skin of apples?

Apple skin is a source of excellent dietary fiber. About two-thirds of dietary fiber exist in apple skin.

Most of the apple polyphenols exist in apple skin, about 2.5 times the pulp. Apple polyphenol is a biological-activity material with strong antioxidants.

According to the determination, the content of potassium and vitamin E in apple peel is 2 times and 4 times that of pulp respectively.

The skin of a medium apple contains 8.5 mg of vitamin C and 100 international units (IU) of vitamin A. After peeling, the two vitamins contained only 6.5 mg and 60 IU.

According to the latest research, people who eat an apple a day have a much stronger immune function and resistance than people who don't eat apples and are less susceptible to other viruses and bacteria.


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