How come strawberries taste sweet with only 5% sugar content?

Strawberries are low-sugar fruits. A medium-sized strawberry weighs about 12 grams and contains about 0.6 grams of sugar.

How come strawberries taste sweet with only 5% sugar content?

How come strawberries taste sweet with only 5% sugar content?

Unripe strawberries contain acids such as aspartic acid, citric acid, malic acid, and salicylic acid, and are very low in sugar, about 3 percent.

As the strawberries ripen, the acid content of the strawberries decreases significantly, and the sugar content rises from 3% to 5%.

In addition, ripe strawberries contain more than 30 volatile compounds, which not only give strawberries a special aroma but also increase the perceived sweetness.

So, despite not being high in sugar, ripe strawberries taste sweet.

Strawberries are low-calorie fruits. The average medium strawberry contains only 4 calories, which is very suitable for people who lose weight.


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