Which fruits are good for kidney stone?

Kidney stones are a common disease. According to statistics, the global incidence of kidney stones is about 10% to 15%.

According to traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, fruits rich in vitamin B1 and vitamin C have the effect of dissolving stones.

Watermelon is a good source of vitamin B1 and vitamin C, kidney stone patients can try to eat more watermelon.

Which fruits are good for kidney stone

In addition, watermelon has a water content of up to 95%, which is a natural diuretic. It has a certain effect on expelling some small kidney stones.

The formation of kidney stones is closely related to oxalic acid and calcium in food. Therefore, kidney stone patients should avoid eating fruits containing oxalic acids, such as blueberries, blackberries, kiwi, grapes, oranges, dates, and tangerines.


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