What are the benefits of eating cabbage every day?

Cabbage is extremely nutritious, and eating cabbage regularly is very beneficial to health.

What are the benefits of eating cabbage every day?

Cabbage is a low-calorie vegetable. 100 grams of cabbage contains only 25 calories and its water content is as high as 90%.

You can eat raw cabbage, which can absorb the nutrition of cabbage to the maximum.

Many nutritionists believe that cabbage has strong antioxidant and anti-aging effects.

Cabbage is very high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene, and the total vitamin content is three times higher than that of tomatoes.

These vitamins are natural antioxidants that can effectively resist cell aging and delay the speed of cell aging, thereby delaying the body's aging process.

What are the benefits of eating cabbage every day?

In addition, cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, which can accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance metabolism, and eliminate toxins and garbage.


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